Friday, 22 October 2010

audience demographic/ target audience

Almost every media production that is made relies on audience research prior to production and during production.

Fatal attraction famously changed its ending following a test run with a pilot.

Snakes on a plane famously involved their target audience by allowing them to make decisions about music, dialogue, etc.

We need to understand our target audience- and plan to create something that appeals to them. We mus therefor in our groups conduct audience research throughout the production process of our film.

We could do this in the form of video vox-pops, audio vox-pops, we could set up online questionnaires or surveys.

Who is our target audience? we need to create a detailed profile (age, gender, interests, tastes, region, career, etc).

Example: NME reader profile:

Once we've don't this we need to look at them in more detail. Like there:
  • film viewing habits
  • what genres they prefer and why
  • what films they saw most recently/ their favorite films
  • whether they watch short films (if they don't, why don't they?) remind them about virals which can often be short films, DVD extras, youtube films, animations, etc.
  • where they watch them (i they do watch them)
  • sow them examples of short films and posters and ask them to say what they like and dislike about them
  • can they tell you about any posters that stood out to them
  • what radio stations do they listen to- or film magazines do they read.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Our first ideas.


Our film has to be incorporate time and technology.

planning short film

What makes a good short film?

There are no hard-and-fast rules as to what makes a good short film but after researching various tips and advice on the best ways to make a short film we decided that these were the most important to consider:

An Exciting & Original Idea

Original ideas are not easy to come-by but a good way of avoiding clichéd ideas is to watch lots of other short films, look out for any trends and stay clear of them. Even if your idea isn't completely original try to look at the subject matter from a different angle or using a different style/technique. If you're struggling for ideas, you could try to find inspiration in your experiences or those of the people that you meet or through the stories that you read in newspapers, magazines and online

Exciting New Techniques & Style

Even an average plot can be made intriguing by an exciting new technique or style - whether it be a new kind of animation, camera work or art direction. Try experimenting and developing your own style. Note – having said that, beware of style over substance.

I found a few quotes that were a responses from Waikato Polytechnic Students, Hamilton, New Zealand. These quotes i felt were important to keep in mind when coming up with our narrative and style of filming:

  • 'Similar to a short story. Sometimes with a surprise ending.'

  • 'An intense piece of time - usually deals with one idea and expresses it fairly directly.'

  • 'An expression of an idea on a shorter scale. Often expressive and tends towards the abstract. An idea that is complete in itself.'


for these photos we used two gels green and pink they look exteremly effective and create two shadows. I felt like this showed two sides to 'karl' an angle and devil contrast.

We used the green gels for this effect.

For this effect we just used two very bright lights to shine on our subject/ model 'Karl'. They did not light the room particually brightly but created a stronge shadow and and eerie feel.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


A simple guide to lighting

Cause: light source behind subject
Effect: silhouette

High Key lighting
Cause: fully lit subjects- light sources from all directions
Effect: A bright, clear subject

Low Key lighting:
Cause: fewer sources of light
Effect:less area lit, creates shadows

Ambient light:
Cause: Gentle lights, part of the set
Effect: Calm, warm, unobtrusive, gently lit subjects

Hard light
Cause: Light source directly on subject
Effect:Strong, bold images, but also shadows. Good for shooting villains

Cause: Filters filted to lens (or altered in editing process)
Effect: Alteration to colour of overall shot


When using the redheads:

- Extremely fragile- when transporting use the bag and padding. Do not knock them, two people should carry them.

- Hot! Take extreme care when handling the lights- they get very hot

- Do not cover them with anything

- Do not look directly into lights

- Switch off when not in use

- The bulbs are very expensive and break very easily. Extreme care should be taken

- Tape down cables

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Character profileBinary Opposition and character profile

The narrative is made up of conflicting points caused by two conflicting sides we can make sense of diffrent character types or event by comparing them to other character type events. These are valled binary opposites. which is a Levi-strauss theory.

us vz them
good vz bad
innocent vz evil
defend vz attack
peace vz destructive
the entire narrative can be formed via binary opposites.

character profiles:
using the characters from our story board.

Name: Sally Jones
Age: 17
Hometown: Canada
Characteristics: intelligent, shy, well behaved but with grate determination and strong willed.
Background detail: She was extremely popular at school had a lot of friends and was cheerleading captain. But she was also extremely academic so was favoured by her teachers. Her great great great grandmother had been rapped at age 18 in 1864.

Name: Sir William Lloyd
Age: 200
Hometown: Washington
Characteristics: spiteful, cunning, proud and slightly unhinged.
Background detail: Was punished by hanging in 1864 for raping a 17year old girl. He denied the charges but the evidence against him was to great. He was extremely wealthy and powerful but people always felt there was something malicious about his character.